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Soldier On Members Enjoy Skiing at Nakiska

On March 18, members near Kananaskis, AB participated in a full day of downhill skiing at the Nakiska Ski Resort. Thanks to the Nakiska Resort staff, participants had a great time. Veterans who participated gave rave reviews of their experience skiing with Soldier On.

"I enjoyed a really nice day on the hill," says Maj. (retired) Neil Franklin. "It was a great way to get outside, meet some new people and get some exercise. It doesn’t get much better than that!"

"I felt amazing after the event," said Sgt. (retired) Kelly Palmer. "My self-confidence increased, I was able to participate fully and overcome my anxiety for a short duration."

"The event has greatly improved my quality of life!" said MWO (retired) Brent Doman. "I met and interacted with fellow veterans and serving members from various trades. All participants shared a common background as Canadian Armed Forces members. Although not all of us served in the same trade, everyone was of the same mindset and character, in a positive way. I met people who I could relate to as a civilian and found individuals who I will associate with from this event. It was a great experience, and I enjoy downhill skiing!"

Retired Captain Jocelyne Letain said: "The event allowed me to meet others who may have had similar experiences and increased my support network. It also exposed me to an activity I haven’t done for a very long time, which is also great for my physical and mental health."
